Articles I Have Written

Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul.

In many spiritual and religious traditions, it is believed that when a person is on life support, their soul remains within the body. Life support systems are seen as tools that maintain physical functions but do not influence the non-physical aspect of existence known as the soul. However, this perspetion is based on personal beliefs rather than scientific evidence.

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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul.

The crow is a powerful symbol of transformation and change, representing significant shifts not just in our external circumstances, but also on spiritual and emotional levels. As divine messengers, crows inspire us to adopt an observer's perspective, urging us to step back and recognize the hidden truths in our lives.

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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul.

Dreaming is a natural part of our human experience. From a scientific perspective, our journey into dreams involves several phases before we reach the REM (rapid eye movement) stage. In this REM phase, various physiological changes can be observed, such as heightened heart rate and blood pressure, along with increased brain activity in areas linked to learning.

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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul.

The concept of twin flames develop the among philosophers, mystics and and sages. At the moment of the soul’s creation it was split into two halves, each exploring a different aspect of spirituality or duality. One side is the divine masculine spirituality; the other is the Divine feminine spirituality. Plane is a sensually the other half of your soul.

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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul. To live a highly spiritual existence is not as complicated as you might think. It’s not that weird either. Being spiritual means to work on your spirit and become spiritually aware. It means that you grow as a person and follow your own journey towards the truth. You can do each of the following things for a few minutes per day to get more and more spiritual.
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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul. We take various decisions in our life depending on the basis of our understanding of circumstances we are in and accordingly set our paths to be followed. We move on different paths at different times in our life. These may be good or bad, short or lengthy, smooth or rough. But everyone has got his or her own set of paths. Irrespective of that we have to keep moving in life.
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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul. I think a lot of people get confused thinking the Law of Attraction is an actual Universal Law, when in reality, it is only an aspect of a Universal Law and that Universal Law is the Law of Vibration. One of the barriers to learning is a misunderstood word. So, let is first define, Vibration in relation to this context.
vīˈbrāSHən/ noun 1. informal: a person’s emotional state, the atmosphere of a place, or the associations of an object, as communicated to and felt by others.
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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul

Learning to develop and trust our intuitive intelligence is more important now than it ever has been before. According to a recent UCLA study, we are exposed to a tsunami of information that amounts to over 174 newspapers full of data per day. That is more than 5 times the amount of information we were exposed to just 20 years ago. Included in this deluge of data are countless opinions, endless streams of expert advice and a myriad of gurus and guides telling us what we should be doing in order to live our best lives.

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Continuation of Part One: Intuition

The definition of Intuition... an unexplained feeling, a natural ability or supernatural force that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence but you know it to be true. It is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning, often defined as a gut feeling.

Today more and more people are awakening their intuition to achieve tremendous success and abundance in all areas of their lives, including money, relationship, career, and much more.

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Karma is the memory of our souls, which means it’s often long-standing, even stemming from prior lives. Indeed, the course of our current life is mostly predetermined by earlier lifetimes: what we didn’t finish then we come back to finish now.

Karma is a Buddhist term that refers to the cause and effect principle where a person’s past and present intentions and actions have the ability to influence his or her future destiny. In other words, when your intentions are actions are good, you’re likely to create good karma and future happiness, and vice versa.

Your thoughts, feelings, words and actions are powerful. You have the power to create your future happiness or misery. When you’re loving and kind to others, your karma will certainly return to you in you in the most beautiful way.

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“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment”.
~ Buddha

Bauddha Dharma' (Buddhism) can be translated as 'Religion of the Buddha' or 'Way of Buddha'. Thus it means following the teachings of the enlightened one. Buddhism was founded in the north-eastern part of India (Between India and Nepal). Buddhism is a nontheistic religion (Independent from the belief or non-belief of God); Mahayana tradition is considered polytheistic.

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What does Gratitude mean? Gratitude means thankfulness, counting your blessings, noticing simple pleasures, and acknowledging everything that you receive. It means learning to live your life as if everything were a miracle, and being aware on a continuous basis of how much you’ve been given. This awareness can lessen our tendency to want more all the time.

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I have come to a couple of related ideas which are common in Buddhism and they are the ideas of karma and rebirth. These ideas are closely inter-related, but because the subject is a fairly wide one, we will begin to deal with the idea of karma today and rebirth in another post.

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This article is intended to give a brief introduction to Buddhism. It will discuss the way Buddhists perceive the world, the four main teachings of the Buddha, the Buddhist view of the self, the relationship between this self and the various ways in which it responds to the world, the Buddhist path and the final goal.

The Three Marks of Existence

Buddhism has been described as a very pragmatic religion. It does not indulge in metaphysical speculation about first causes; there is no theology, no worship of a deity or deification of the Buddha. Buddhism takes a very straightforward look at our human condition; nothing is based on wishful thinking, at all. Everything that the Buddha taught was based on his own observation of the way things are. Everything that he taught can be verified by our own observation of the way things are.

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The first teaching ever given by the Buddha was to five student monks in a deer park. The Buddha spoke of the Four Noble Truths he had discovered while struggling for enlightenment, these are the central teachings of Buddhism. It was the Buddha's first awareness that life brings with it illness, age, misery and death that lead him to search for a deeper understanding of how we live, and ways to end suffering.

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"The mind is everything. What you think you become". ~ Buddha

The rooted meaning of Enlightenment really consists of recognizing the Buddha nature that is within us already.

Our Buddha nature is our true self, our soul. It’s the fundamental nature of all beings, the self that is one with everything, the part that realizes this fact. It’s the self that is fully enlightened and perfect. Most people don't know how much wisdom and power resides in the self, which is not the everyday self that gets mixed up with all the chaos, the business and the day-to-day routines of our daily life, but a deeper self, which I call the true self, the soul. In reality, it’s who we are right now, even if we don’t realize it.

It’s important to realize this is not some goal to be achieved— each and every one of us is fully enlightened already. We just have to awaken to this fact and overcome the deceptions that are preventing us from realizing the fundamental truth of our being. This is not easy an task to achieve, but there are methods and meditation practices that can help us on this path.

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When the Buddha had electrified the ancient world with his teachings and his example, people came to him and asked, “What are you? A god, a saint, an angel?” And he replied: “I am awake.” Within this statement is embedded the heart of Buddhism's unique position among the world's spiritual traditions. For as the Buddha showed, each of us can overcome the “sleep” of ordinary consciousness and awaken our hearts and minds to achieve the true freedom that every moment of life offers us.

Buddhism's most basic foundation for mindful living is the Ten Perfections. These perfections— which include such universal virtues as truthfulness, simplicity, and lovingkindness— offer immediate answers to the problems and challenges we face every day of our lives. By using them as keys, you can unlock the human gate to supreme wisdom and open fully to the perfection within each moment of experience.

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A hand chakra is located in the palm of the hands and a foot chakra is located in the arch of each foot. The chakras in the palms of the hand, relate to creating what you want in life, trust and control issues, healing yourself and others., while the foot chakras relate to your ability to connect with Planet Earth, to ground and receive earth energy. Depending on the "dominant" hand or foot, (the one you use most), one sends out energy and the other pulls it in. These are considered minor chakras.

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The chakra descriptions will give an understanding of the chakras and will teach how to enhance the connection to the mind, body and spirit. Chakras 1 through 3 relate to our mental perceptions of the physical world and astral world. Chakras 5 through 7 relate to activities and experiences in the physical world. Chakra 4 is the equalizer that connects the mind and body and is the place from which our soul emanates. Each chakra resonates to a specific sound and color vibration.

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Outside of the seven major chakras that are attached to the physical body, it is believed that two more chakras (among others) exist — the soul star and earth star chakras.

The soul star chakra (often referred to as one of the transpersonal chakras) is located approximately 6 inches higher than the crown chakra. It is usually white and gold in color. Despite being outside of the body and above it, this chakra is often referred to as the “seat of the soul.” This is because it can connect the soul to enlightenment by sending it divine light and love and spiritual awareness. It is the catalyst to heightening one’s relationship with the Universe. Once this chakra is awakened from its dormant state, the soul ascends beyond the human ego, which allows people to experience a more enlightened, spiritual, joyful and healthy physical existence.

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Intuition is part of the sixth sense. It is an awareness, the knowing of a fact or reality that is not related to any normal reasoning; comes to mind without proof, evidence, or understanding how the knowledge was acquired. It is an insight about events that may or may not take place. It surpasses all logic and is more than just a lucky guess. Intuition is your internal communication system, that inner voice that is on call at any moment. Everyone possesses the natural ability of intuition; however, some individuals are able to develop it much further than others.

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On your journey toward psychic development, it is important to understand and practice the technique of psychic protection, or psychic shielding. Whether or not you are psychic, you can use these methods to protect yourself from harboring another person’s negative emotions, either from the physical or spirit worlds.

Your mind and body are great receivers. Sensitivity to stimuli around you triggers gut feelings on an emotional level. Although you cannot avoid all of your emotional responses, you can protect yourself from many of the unwanted ones. These negative feelings may not have come from within you; they may have come from an outside source.

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