
Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul The August 21st Solar Eclipse falls in the sign of Leo and will be inspiring you to transform so you can start a new chapter that is more aligned with your soul. Solar Eclipses are like amplified New Moons and often bring about transformation, new beginnings and changes. Their potency can sometimes be intimidating, but it is important to remember that they always put us on the right path.
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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul.
~ Deepak Chopra Welcome to the secret to healing meditations for transformation and higher consciousness. There is only one secret to healing and it is enlightenment. Enlightenment means going beyond your ego encapsulated identity and realizing that you are the Universe, manifesting though a human nervous system and becoming self-aware. When you feel on bounded and Free, you will begin to heal yourself. The word healing is related to the word holy. Healing is the return of the memory of wholeness. When your whole, your holy and your healed. When your whole, you also lose the fear of death because you recognize that death is a creative opportunity to recreate yourself. So the secret to healing is actually the secret to enlightenment.
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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul. Today, it is clear for almost every spiritual seeker that we live in the era of awakening. However, what is the awakening is most misinterpreted. Many people think that awakening and enlightenment is the same, it’s a single-time event: it’s happening for once and you are done!. On the contrary, the truth is that enlightenment is a process that is actually a series of awakenings.
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The peace and stillness of the early morning are far different compared to any other time of the day. Aside from the magic that the golden hour brings, there’s power and tranquility that makes your psyche easier to influence and understand. By using this time for introspection you can discover powerful guidance and life callings that come from deep inside your soul. Following a morning ritual, even for just 30 minutes, makes you gain more clarity about your life’s calling. Not only that, but keeping yourself grounded early in the morning gives you inspiration and confidence throughout the day.
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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul. Awakened souls tend to attract each other immediately. It’s easier for them to recognize the vibration of each other during encounters. If you’re one of these awakened individuals, you quickly notice other awakened souls almost in all places. Some are fully awakened, while others are just starting their own awakening process.
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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul. Being more conscious is like exercise for the brain, each and every time you throw yourself into the present moment it is a reminder of the beauty of life and the world around you. To be more conscious is to be more aware. On an individual level this means, being aware of yourself and on a collective level this means being more aware of your surroundings and the world that exists outside of yourself.
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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul Getting to the point where your consciousness is expanded and your soul is fully awake is not an easy place to get to. It’s not impossible, it just takes a bit of time. If anyone is looking for a quick fix or a magic pill to get them to this state, you’re on the wrong planet. To awaken your soul takes a bit of persistence, some patience and faith. It won’t happen overnight but you can make it happen. The result?
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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul What is higher consciousness – and how can you elevate yourself to a higher level? Higher consciousness has many names: collective consciousness, Christ consciousness, Buddha consciousness, superconsciousness and God-consciousness. Those names conjure up images of divinity and exceptionally high states of spiritual development or energetic vibration.
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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul How to recognize and answer your calling? How to find out why your soul chose this life? It’s simple: You need to understand that everything happens for a reason. You’re here for a reason. "You came here with something to do. You are part of a universal consciousness, and there are no accidents in it. In your true essence—not the false self, not the ego part of you, but in the true essence of who you are—you are infinite and you have something very profound to accomplish while you’re here. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Find it. Pay attention to it. Listen to the calling. See the clues, the cues. See the alignments, whatever they might be, no matter how absurd or bizarre they might seem to everyone around you... if you have a calling inside that says there’s also something else, don’t ignore that. Don’t die with your music still in you. Don’t die with your purpose unfulfilled. Don’t die feeling as if your life has been wrong. Don’t let that happen to you." – Wayne Dyer
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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul

You might know these types of people by a couple different names – either lightworkers, earth angels, or something similar, Maybe you even feel like one of these special people yourself. Lightworkers literally have come here to spread and share their light as much as possible, and bring about positive change to this planet. They have no patience for hate, intolerance, violence, or oppression; these types just want everyone to live in harmony and move on from our current problems on Earth.

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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul

This article on intuition was inspired from the book Intuition: Unlock the Power by Dr. Cate Howell.

Developing intuition requires that you begin to look deep within yourself.

There is agreement in neuroscience literature that intuition is related to the unconscious. Famed transpersonal psychologist Carl Jung described intuition as unconscious perception that taps into implicit processes and knowledge in the body and brain. We also know that intuition predominantly sits in the non-dominant hemisphere of the brain and is often derived from images, feelings, physical sensations and metaphors. In this first part of this article I will explore the nature and role of the unconscious mind and consider some ways in which we can access our unconscious to aid us in developing our intuition, including signs and symbols and dreams.

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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul

You may think you are really busy and that if you slowed down or took a pause of any kind you would be less effective and less powerful in life. Actually, the opposite is true—my life before I committed to a daily meditation practice was nowhere near as intuitive as it is now. Intuition is increased by meditation, and thus we take so many more right turns and this ends up saving us tons of time.

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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul

Learning to develop and trust our intuitive intelligence is more important now than it ever has been before. According to a recent UCLA study, we are exposed to a tsunami of information that amounts to over 174 newspapers full of data per day. That is more than 5 times the amount of information we were exposed to just 20 years ago. Included in this deluge of data are countless opinions, endless streams of expert advice and a myriad of gurus and guides telling us what we should be doing in order to live our best lives.

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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul

I have been listening to my spirit guides since the early 80's. Mind you, if you asked them they would tell you that I have heard them my whole life, I just never listened. You can label them anyway that resonates with you. Some like higher self, intuition, angels, conscience or even just spirit but I have always preferred the term Guides. I believe that connecting with our own inner voice is powerful and necessary.

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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul

Lost souls are people who are spiritually adrift. For whatever reason, these individuals have blocked the intuitive guidance coming from their higher selves. In doing this, they have also cut themselves off from feeling the infinite love of the universe, and this leads to struggle, anger, sadness and feeling dead inside. As a result, a lost soul’s life is very challenging.

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Teacher to student…

As in Ancient times, we are again in the beginning of a period of radical changes for the Earth and its inhabitants, physically, mentally, and spiritually (the entire threefold nature). Humanity’s selfishness has taken its toll and is starting to come back in full fury. With the damage that has been done already, there is no preventing the great Earth changes within the next decade. Given a sufficient rise in Consciousness, those things that are not past the ‘karmic point of no return’ could be altered by free will, however, many are past the point of no return. Ask yourself if the first drops of rain from this great storm of purification, have not already begun to fall.

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Despite its elusive quality, being intuitive is a very desirable and attractive skill.

In fact, Steve Jobs called it “more powerful than intellect” in the business world.

Intuition is hard to put your finger on, it’s mostly described as some sort of feeling, or gut instinct. At the same time, it is also used as a criterion for the popular Myers-Briggs classification of personality.

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Meditation is one of the most common ways to contact and connect with your guides. Continually meditating will help reveal the name and identity of your guide. When meditating to contact your guide, try asking precise questions. If you do not receive answers immediately, keep trying. It can take several years to achieve this. Here is a suggested meditation that you can use to contact and communicate with your spirit guides. It can also be done before doing a psychic reading or healing work.

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All of us, every day, see countless numbers, however, if you started seeing 1212 very frequently and seemingly everywhere, maybe you realize it’s not a coincidence, but a sign or something trying to communicate with us.

And you’re right.

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How Can You See Spirits? A Guide to Spiritual Clairvoyance.

If you are reading this article, chances are, you have the ability to see spirits around you. This gift is called clairvoyance, and it often starts coming in much earlier than when you'll start to notice it. While most people sense spirits before they ever see them, often the sensing is accompanied by other clues that you are being visited by those in the spirit world.

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The Third Eye, an inner eye is a mystical and esoteric concept referring in part to the ajna chakra in certain Eastern and Western spiritual traditions. It is also spoken of as the gate that leads within to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness.

The Third Eye in reality is the Pineal Gland. It is the spiritual Third Eye, our Inner vision and it is considered the seat of the soul. It is located in the geometric center of the cranium.

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By Kyle Davidson

The subconscious rules so much of our lives from behind the scenes.

From the moment that the sperm meets the egg and begins to process of forming a life, you are governed by the subconscious- your mothers and your own.

The subconscious is the force that tells your heart how to beat, when to blink, when to feel hungry.

All of your physiological functions are the work of your deeper mind. It also has a huge impact on how we perceive the world. The subconscious works very quickly, analyzing the world around you all the time, finding the patterns and making assumptions that you realize consciously. In metaphysical terms, the subconscious is the force that can make or break our creative and spiritual processes. In many ways, the subconscious is a truer reflection of your soul – it is the foundation upon which the ego and the conscious mind our built. So how do we make it listen?

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The sixth sense is just that, an extrasensory perception (or ESP) beyond our five commonly recognized senses — hearing, taste, sight, smell and touch. The informal use of the term "sixth sense" refers to our ability to perceive something that isn’t apparently there. The sixth sense is sometimes described as intuition, or the sense of knowing something without previous stored knowledge about it. This intuition is that “gut feeling”—something that you know or think likely based on instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.

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By Julian Websdale

The Seven Churches of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John have many meanings.

In keeping with multiple levels of interpretation the Churches can be understood as messages relating to historical Churches of the period, messages regarding the seven divisions of Church history and in the most esoteric of interpretations, to the seven spiritual centers of the body.

The seven Churches of Revelation each can be related to the seven psychic centers, or Chakras, with the teachings given to each Church (warnings, blessings etc.) relating to the consciousness and activity at that level.

These attributions illustrate how each Church can be understood as a centre of energy within the psychic organism.

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