
All of us, every day, see countless numbers, however, if you started seeing 777 very frequently and seemingly everywhere, maybe you realize it’s not a coincidence, but a sign or something trying to communicate with us.

And you’re right.

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All of us, every day, see countless numbers, however, if you started seeing 1111 very frequently and seemingly everywhere, maybe you realize it’s not a coincidence, but a sign or something trying to communicate with us.

And you’re right.

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By Helen Elizabeth Williams

Want to understand the power that guides us in all our endeavors and looks after us? Continue reading understanding what spirit guides are.

From the very beginning of our soul’s existence, we are being assigned to these loving beings that nurture, school and look after us, every step of the way.

When we are born on Earth, these loving beings continue to help and guide us throughout our lives, making sure we will find our true purpose. We have come to call them spirit guides.

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Continuation of Part One: Intuition

The definition of Intuition... an unexplained feeling, a natural ability or supernatural force that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence but you know it to be true. It is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning, often defined as a gut feeling.

Today more and more people are awakening their intuition to achieve tremendous success and abundance in all areas of their lives, including money, relationship, career, and much more.

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All of us, every day, see countless numbers, however, if you started seeing 1133 very frequently and seemingly everywhere, maybe you realize it’s not a coincidence, but a sign or something trying to communicate with us.

And you’re right.

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Intuition is part of the sixth sense. It is an awareness, the knowing of a fact or reality that is not related to any normal reasoning; comes to mind without proof, evidence, or understanding how the knowledge was acquired. It is an insight about events that may or may not take place. It surpasses all logic and is more than just a lucky guess. Intuition is your internal communication system, that inner voice that is on call at any moment. Everyone possesses the natural ability of intuition; however, some individuals are able to develop it much further than others.

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