Life Calling

Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul. There are moments in everyone’s spiritual journey when we feel stuck. We awaken to universal truths about our existence and then, all of a sudden, it’s like we cannot rise higher. We become depressed and even bitter as time goes on. We lose that feeling of wonder we walked with. A part of us thinks that we have reached our spiritual limits. But, of course, that’s just an illusion. The reason we feel stuck is because we become too attached to a particular ideology and forget fundamental truths. The solution to becoming unstuck is reminding ourselves of these fundamental spiritual truths. Instead of retreating back, we need to face these truths head on and break through the spiritual blockage.
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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul. We take various decisions in our life depending on the basis of our understanding of circumstances we are in and accordingly set our paths to be followed. We move on different paths at different times in our life. These may be good or bad, short or lengthy, smooth or rough. But everyone has got his or her own set of paths. Irrespective of that we have to keep moving in life.
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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul. Every single person you encounter serves a greater purpose in your lives. You take something from everyone that you encounter. Some will pass through briefly and others will stay. Life is a journey, not a destination! The universe sends you signs and people to guide you towards your life’s purpose.
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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul.
~ Deepak Chopra Welcome to the secret to healing meditations for transformation and higher consciousness. There is only one secret to healing and it is enlightenment. Enlightenment means going beyond your ego encapsulated identity and realizing that you are the Universe, manifesting though a human nervous system and becoming self-aware. When you feel on bounded and Free, you will begin to heal yourself. The word healing is related to the word holy. Healing is the return of the memory of wholeness. When your whole, your holy and your healed. When your whole, you also lose the fear of death because you recognize that death is a creative opportunity to recreate yourself. So the secret to healing is actually the secret to enlightenment.
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Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul. Today, it is clear for almost every spiritual seeker that we live in the era of awakening. However, what is the awakening is most misinterpreted. Many people think that awakening and enlightenment is the same, it’s a single-time event: it’s happening for once and you are done!. On the contrary, the truth is that enlightenment is a process that is actually a series of awakenings.
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The peace and stillness of the early morning are far different compared to any other time of the day. Aside from the magic that the golden hour brings, there’s power and tranquility that makes your psyche easier to influence and understand. By using this time for introspection you can discover powerful guidance and life callings that come from deep inside your soul. Following a morning ritual, even for just 30 minutes, makes you gain more clarity about your life’s calling. Not only that, but keeping yourself grounded early in the morning gives you inspiration and confidence throughout the day.
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