
Adopt These 7 Buddhism’s Habits and Principles As They Can Change Your Life!

Posted by Two Spirits, One Soul.

Do you know that Buddhist monks always appear present, focused and calm?

Buddhist philosophy has long focused solely on how to decrease human suffering as well as keep the mind focused on the present moment.
Here Are Several Buddhism’s Habits and Principles that You Can Adopt in Your Daily Life:

1. Outer Decluttering

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”
~ Confucius

Are you familiar with the fact that the Buddha was born a prince? Even though he could actually have spent his life in a beautiful palace, he did not.

When he understood the frustrating nature of materialism, he abandoned everything.

Two thousand years later, Buddhist monks also do the same by keeping material possessions to a minimum and holding what they need to live their life.

This means that they totally declutter their life.

2. Taking Care of Others: Inner Decluttering

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”
~ The Dalai Lama

Buddhist monks learn to do things for the entire world.

Moreover, when they meditate, it is for the sake of the others. Additionally, they try to attain enlightenment in order to help those in need and reach their full potential.

Once you develop this type of selfless attitude, you don’t focus only on your personal problems. Your mind becomes calmer and you get less emotional about small things.

It is called inner decluttering, which means breaking selfish habits and making room for others.

3. Listening Mindfully

“When you take, you are repeating what you already know. But when you listen, you may learn something new.”
~ The Dalai Lama

Buddhist monks claim that the purpose of communication is to help ourselves and others suffer less.

Judging or criticizing others does not help.

On the other hand, mindfulness is actually judgment-free. Furthermore, the purpose of mindful communication is to take in everything that a person is saying without evaluating it.

It results in more mutual respect, and possibility for progress in the conversation.

4. Following Older People

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”
~ Anthony J. D’Angelo
Buddhist monks see elder people as having wisdom. That’s why they look for elder spiritual guides, which could help them on their path.

As older people often have more experience, they are insightful people to learn from.

5. Practicing Meditation

“Meditation is a way for nourishing and blossoming the divine within you.”
~ Amit Ray

Monks usually wake up early as well as meditate for one to three hours. They also do the same at night. In addition, this type of practice helps change the brain. So, you may want to start your day with half an hour of meditation.

6. Accepting Change

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
~ Lao Tzu

A Buddhist master Sazuki notes that a main principle you should learn is to accept change:

You can’t find perfect composure if you don’t accept the fact that everything changes. Even though it is true, it may be difficult for you to accept it. As you can’t accept the truth of transiency, you suffer.

But, Sazuki explains that you can overcome it by recognizing that the contents of your mind are in perpetual flux. Anything about consciousness comes and goes. Realizing this may lead to despair, grasping, anger, anxiety, and fear.

Keep in mind that no matter what you do, it needs to be an expression of the same deep activity.

7. Embracing the Present Moment

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”
~ Buddha

It is difficult for most people to embrace the present moment. You probably worry about what the future holds or think about past events.

However, mindfulness can encourage you to refocus. Practicing mindfulness helps you redirect your thoughts back to what you are engaged in.



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